14 Key Factors in the Admission Decision

When I first began working as a college counselor, comprehending the universe of schools available to students was mind numbing. There are 2,600 four-year colleges in the United States--a mish mash of public, private, religious, and secular schools--each with its own set of admission requirements. Consequently, when parents asked me to distill a list of factors that might provide uniformity across the admission practices of multiple schools, I became a bit dumbfounded: such a list would not be easy to produce, nor uniformly accurate. I continue to witness this issue, many years later.  Still, the National Association for College Admission Counseling, our mother organization, periodically performs a survey across the vast collegiate universe and places the most important factors into a list called the ‘Factors in the Admission Decision’. Whenever I review this lengthy list, I try not to lose track of the diversity it encapsulates. 'GPA in college preparation courses', the factor … [Read more...]

Katy’s First (EVER!) Blog Post

Whew!  How about that start of the new year?  It sneaks up on us, delightful yet daunting after what we hope has been some rest in the Summer.With Fall comes a new round of the familiar for most of us.  Familiar events, familiar patterns, familiar tasks.  Sometimes these can be tedious, but aren’t we lucky to be in a field where we make a difference each and every day?  So, as the tasks pile on, whether it be planning travel or getting on a plane, rounding up those Natl Merit Semi Finalists to get to their essays and/or talking with students about the processes of applying to college, I encourage you to take a moment to breathe, reflect and to enjoy your role in truly making a student’s life better.  And celebrate the ripple effect:  making that student’s life better helps his/her family and ultimately his/her community.We, as a profession, are a community . . . a community based in principles and ethics.  If you are able to travel to the NACAC Conference in Toronto you will hear about … [Read more...]